25th September Competition Exhibition
“The Fluidity of Gender: Sculpture by Linda Stein” features larger-than-life armor figures of black leather, buckles, and zippers which reflect the artist’s childhood dreams of running for protection, as well as her real-life adult experience running from Ground Zero on 9/11; and wearable mixed-media sculptures with superhero images summon strength and empowerment to break down social boundaries and encourages viewers to imagine another identity. “Points of Reference: Anne Boudreau” features installations of fabric constructions suspended from the ceiling which explore clothing as signifiers of social identity and allude to the balance of difference and sameness in elements of nature: water, fire, air, and earth. The 25th Annual September Competition: over 50 nationwide artists working in all media selected by artist and juror Linda Stein! Museum hours of operation: Monday – Friday 10am – 5pm; Saturdays 10am – 4pm. AMoA Members is Free and Non-Member cost $4 for Adults, $3 for Seniors, Students, and Military, $2 for 4-13 yrs. old, and Call for Group Rates.
For more information visit www.themuseum.org. Cost: Free to AMoA members, regular admission for non-members. Call Anne Reid: 443-3458.