Central Louisiana Amateur Radio Hamfest
CLARC Hamfest 2018
Saturday, October 13th Kees Park, 2450 Hwy 28 E.
Pineville, Louisiana
8:00 am till 1:00 pm Breakfast (donuts and coffee)
TALK IN Frequency: 147.330 Tone 173.8 Lunch will be Available
Alternate Frequency: 147.375 Tone 173.8
ECHOLINK: KD5DFL-R or Node # 169091
Plenty of space available for swap tables,
fellowship, tall tales, food and fun.
Admission $5.00. Main Prize and Door Prize Tickets $1.00 ea.
Tables $10.00. Tables are on a first come, first serve basis.
For advanced tickets and information:
Scott Wren at kd5dfl@hotmail.com or call 318-484-6744
Check us out on the web at www.clarc.us
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CLARCHams/
VE Testing Will Be Available
Forums: VE Testing 8-9 NIMS Training 8-1 (In Large Room)
ARES Forum 9-10
ARRL Forum 10-11
Skywarn Basic 11-12
Skywarn Advanced 12-1
Grand Prize: Icom 7300
Second Prize: Icom 2730A Dual Band Mobile
Third Prize: Wouxun KG-UV8 Handi-Talkie