Louisiana Dragon Boat Races™
The Alexandria Museum Art is proud to bring the Louisiana Dragon Boat Races™ back to Rapides Parish in 2019.
Race Day May 4, 2019 • Build Your Team Now!
This exciting family event makes for a great day of good, spirited racing,and a great time on and off the water!
Team Registration is now open.
Come out to support your museum during River Fete!
Want to be on the water?
Dragon Boat teams consist of 20 paddlers (a minimum of eight (8) must be female) and one drummer. The helmsman will be provided.
There will be a practice session for each team during the week preceding the event.
About Louisiana Dragon Boat Races™
Alexandria Museum of Art is dedicated to the belief that our audience's needs are of the utmost importance. Our entire staff is committed to meeting those needs. In an effort to become self sufficient and sustainable, the Alexandria Museum of Art endeavors to establish programming that is collaborative in nature, beneficial to the community, and advances our mission to preserve, exhibit, and promote visual artthroughout Central Louisiana in a way that contributes to the quality of life. In the past 10 years, dragon boating has grown from relative obscurity to 80,000 participants who take part in over 100 festivals in municipalities across the country. Dragon boating is visually spectacular, easy to learn, and most importantly, extremely safe. Anyone can do it, regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability. Furthermore, it is a sport where men and women compete together in an unbiased and fun environment. For these reasons, it has become an extremely popular team building activity for community organizations and corporations. Don't be left out of this terrific opportunity to participate in this community event.