CenLa Women's Connection Virtual Luncheon
June 17th, at 12 Noon we will have our virtual luncheon. Zoom at Noon!
We will have an inspirational speaker, Becky Burque from Tampa, Florida, presenting “Pictures from the Past-Possibilities for the Future.” Bring a meaningful photo or a photo from the past to our Zoom luncheon and enjoy women fellowship, door prizes, and lots of fun! Bring you own lunch, invite a friend, and enjoy this Free Event!!!
Need help connecting to zoom? Email us at cenlacwc@gmail.com or call Sheree at 318-500-0212.
Follow us on Facebook and/or Instagram (CenlaWomen’s Connection) for more information. We will be posting meeting numbers on these sites or via email. If you would like to be included on our email list, let us know. Hope you will join us!!!