Country Day's Monster Day 5K & Fun Run
Join us for our Annual Monster Dash 5K and one-mile Fun Run! Race in the competitive 5K or enjoy trick-or-treating along the route of the one-mile Fun Run/Walk. Trunk or Treat will be open to the community after the race for everyone to enjoy! Our 5K top 3 overall male runners and top 3 overall female runners will all be recognized! Costume contest, Pumpkin contest, Food and drinks available for purchase, and more!
Register today! Online race registration guarantees a dri-fit short sleeve shirt, only until Friday, October 7th. Race shirts are not included with registrations after October 7th.

Event Date:
Sunday, October 29, 2023 - 10:00am
Event Category:
England Airpark
Contact :
Anna Van Mol
Contact Phone Number:
Contact Email:
1718 Kegleman Blvd
Alexandria, LA 71303
United States