Council Committee Schedule - 2012-07-25
Mayor Jacques Roy
City of Alexandria
City Hall
Alexandria, LA 71301
Dear Mayor:
This is to inform you that a Finance and Legal Affairs committee meeting has been called for Wednesday, July 25, 2012 at 3:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. The items on the agenda are as follows:
1. To receive a report from the Administration regarding the special meeting agenda item for July 30, 2012, involving an ordinance authorizing the Mayor on behalf of the City to enter into necessary contracts, including a contract and development agreement with Third Street Partners, LP and New Horizons Development, LLC providing for a sale of 6 acres, more or less, of property from the City and otherwise concerning a portion of property formerly being part of the Hodges Stockyard tract located on Third Street; to set out and provide relative to terms and conditions in Cooperative Endeavor and Development Agreements between the parties; to authorize a contract to sale (real estate option agreement) and a contract of sale of property for consideration from the City to the third parties for development and construction activities on the project site, including new construction of commercial improvements and other facilities; and also, relative to third parties constructing an additional improvement – Riverplace Phase II – providing for thirty two (32) townhouses on a portion of the property; to authorize certain funding from SPARC or the capital budget for assisting development and infrastructure cost; to authorize a ground lease and a lease of parking spaces and related property; to authorize a lease of improvements for a substation located on the subject property; authorizing incentives and public works related to the proposed cooperative endeavor and to authorize security instruments and authority for the Mayor or his designee to subordinate security instruments if necessary pertaining thereto and otherwise to provide with respect thereto; to hear from the public regarding support and opposition relative to the project or related issues and to allow for presentations or comments for the public record for presentation to the Alexandria City Council on July 30, 2012, at its Special Meeting regarding Committee Item #1.
2. To consider holding a public information and evidence gathering session on Friday, July 27, 2012, commencing at 3:00 P.M. and ending at 5:00 P.M., related to the proposal with Third Street Partners, LP and New Horizons Development, LLC to allow for additional support and opposition to be considered relative to the project or related issues, to allow for presentations or comments for the public record, and to allow a public record of the support and opposition concerning the subject matter of the proposal for presentation to the Alexandria City Council on July 30, 2012, at its Special Meeting regarding Committee Item #1.
Please have the appropriate members from your Administration present for discussion.
Harry B. Silver, President
Alexandria City Council