Council Meeting Agenda - 2009-05-19
TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2009
1) Approval of minutes taken from special meeting held 5/5 and regular council meeting held 5/5.
2) Introduction of an ordinance for underground electric construction unit pricing for the Electric Distribution department. Bids to be opened 5/19.
3) Introduction of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with the Town of Welsh for an act of donation of surplus movable property for electrical oil circuit breakers and declaring said items to be no longer needed for any public purpose.
4) Introduction of an ordinance authorizing a restoration project for Bayou Robert Watershed from the Department of Environmental Quality.
5) Introduction of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to renew existing contract with IMS Engineers to provide professional engineering services.
6) Introduction of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to execute a letter agreement with Crosstex LIG, LLC for natural gas transportation contract.
7) Introduction of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with AssureCo Risk Management and Regulatory Compliance for 2009 Chlorine Risk Management Plan update.
8) Introduction of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Clifton J. Spears for legal services.
9) Introduction of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into a written cooperative endeavor agreement with ASH Sports Camp to make provisions for sixty youth within the city meeting income guidelines as recommended by HUD, to attend the sports camp held from May 26-July 24, 2009.
10) Introduction of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into a written Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with the Community Senior Citizens Multipurpose Resource Center, for services to be rendered at the Broadway Resource Center.
11) Introduction of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into a written Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with COPE, Inc. to provide an educational summer enrichment program for the City’s youth to be held from June 1-26, 2009.
12) Introduction of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Professional Service Agreement with DPS-Financial Resources & Solutions for bookkeeping and tax services for the Alexandria Festival Association.
13) Introduction of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into a written Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with WLM, LLC, Aquatic School to provide a summer recreational swimming program for the City’s youth at Peabody Magnet High School.
14) Introduction of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into a written Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with the YMCA of Central Louisiana to provide a summer recreational swimming program for the City’s youth.
15) Introduction of an ordinance rezoning 5530 Jackson Street as requested by Commercial Partners, LLC represented by Maurice Hebert from “B-2” Community Business district to “C-2” General Commercial district for the purpose of opening a fast food restaurant. (ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDED APPROVAL)
16) Introduction of an ordinance rezoning 5532 Jackson Street as requested by William E. Hixson and Donna H. Yarbrough, from “B-2” Community Business district to “C-2” General Commercial district for the purpose of opening a fast food restaurant. (ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDED)
17) Introduction of an ordinance rezoning properties fronting on 3rd Street (between Green Oak Avenue and Riverbend Drive) from “SF-2” Single family moderate density district and “I-1” Light Industrial district to “C-2/MFO”, General Commercial district with a multi-family overlay district for the purpose of promoting new housing and economic growth opportunities within the outlined areas. (ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDED APPROVAL)
18) RESOLUTION renaming Southland Street back to its original name of Kilbourne Street which runs into Lincoln Road and across Eddie Williams Boulevard.
19) RESOLUTION adopting an Identify Theft Prevention Policy for the City of Alexandria.
20) RESOLUTION authorizing advertisement for bids for one backyard mini-digger derrick unit for use by the Electric Distribution department.
21) RESOLUTION authorizing advertisement for bids for annual work uniform bid for use by various using departments.
22) RESOLUTION authorizing advertisement for bids for renovations to Customer Service Building.
23) RESOLUTION authorizing advertisement for bids for Hudson Boulevard drainage improvements (Natchez Street to Lincoln Road)
24) To consider final adoption of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to accept the low bid submitted for ceiling repair/replacement at the Boys & Girls Club. Bids to be opened 5/19.
25) To consider final adoption of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to accept the low bid submitted for flooring at the Boys & Girls Club. Bids to be opened 5/19.
26) To consider final adoption of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to accept the low bid submitted for interior painting for the Boys & Girls Club. Bids to be opened 5/19.
27) To consider final adoption of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to accept the low bid submitted for electrical revisions for the Information Systems department.
28) To consider final adoption of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to accept the lowest quote received for procell batteries for a twelve month period.
29) To consider final adoption of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to accept the low bid submitted for operating supplies for the Electric Distribution department.
30) To consider final adoption of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Exchange of Surplus property to Roger Vidrine.
31) To consider final adoption of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the Rapides Parish Sheriff’s department to receive a Bureau of Justice assistance grant to purchase equipment that will improve the criminal justice system.
32) To consider final adoption of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to sign engineering Amendment No. 1 with regard to the 2008 Safe Routes to school grant.
33) To consider final adoption of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into eight (8) consulting agreements and to receive grant reimbursement for said fees from the LA Office of Economic Development.
34) To consider final adoption of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Avoyelles Parish Sheriff’s Office for the use of the incinerator at the Alexandria Animal Shelter.
35) To consider final adoption of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into a User Agency Agreement with Rapides Business and Career Solutions Center, Workforce Operations department to operate expanded summer youth employment opportunities.
36) To consider final adoption of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Ballard CLC for design and construction observation for rehabilitation of the D.G. Hunter Cooling Tower #4. (A & E 4/7/09)
37) To consider final adoption of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with EJES, Inc. for design and construction observation for Urban Wastewater system improvements. (A & E 4/7/09)
38) To consider final adoption of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Monceaux, Buller & Associates, LLC for design and construction observation for Martin Park gas distribution system improvements. (A & E 4/7/09)
39) To consider final adoption of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Pan American Engineers for design and construction observation for Urban water production and distribution system improvements.
(A & E 4/7/09)
40) To consider final adoption of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to renew the existing contract with Alpine Lawn & Landscape for maintenance services for assorted public facilities.
41) To consider final adoption of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to renew the existing contract with Green’s Park Service for maintenance services for Compton Park.
42) To consider final adoption of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to renew the existing contract with Williams Nursery & Landscaping for the mowing of Esler Field landfill.
43) To consider final adoption of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to renew the existing contract with Beauford Enterprises dba Yankee Clipper for I-49 Greenbelt maintenance services.
44) To consider final adoption of an ordinance authorizing the Mayor to renew the existing contract with Green’s Park Service for landscape maintenance services for Rapides Trail.
45) To consider final adoption of an ordinance authorizing contracts relative to operation of Channel 4.
46) To consider final adoption of an ordinance to authorize contracts relative to a web provider.
47) To consider final adoption of an ordinance rezoning 3632 Sugarhouse Road as requested by Carlos D. Wilson from “SF-2/MHO” Single Family moderate density district with a mobile home overlay district to “C-1” Limited Commercial district for the purpose of opening a laundromat and laundry service business. (PUBLIC WORKS/ZONING 5/19)
48) To consider final adoption of an ordinance authorizing work task change directive No. 2 to Program A Roadside open ditch closures work task No. 14 for MacArthur Drive frontage road at Sallie Street. (PUBLIC WORKS/ZONING 5/19)
49) To consider final adoption of an ordinance amending Section 25-121 of the City Code relative to parking limits in residential zones. (LEGAL 5/19)
50) To hear from Finance Committee: Mr. Hobbs.
51) To hear from Public Works Committee: Mr. Silver.
52) To hear from Legal Committee: Mr. Larvadain.
53) To hear from Utility Committee: Mr. Fowler.
54) To hear from Community Development: Mr. Goins.
55) To hear from Personnel/Insurance: Mr. Johnson.
56) To hear from Public Safety/Transportation: Mr. Goins.
57) To hear from A & E Review: Mr. Fowler.
58) To hear from Economic Development: Mr. Silver.
59) To hear from Cost Share Agreement & Emerging Business committee: Mr. Larvadain, Chairman.
60) To hear from Public Relations/Policy Procedures committee: Mr. Johnson, Chairman.
61) To hear from Audit Committee: Mr. Goins, Chairman.
A) Presentation of a proclamation by the Mayor’s Office declaring May 31, 2009 as World No Tobacco Day in Alexandria.