Utility Services
Application for Utility Services
Any applicant desiring to purchase electric, water, wastewater or communication service from the City of Alexandria (“Alexandria”) shall provide to Alexandria a description of the premises where such electric, gas, water, or wastewater service(s) is desired together with relevant details as may be required by the Customer Service Manager, Director of Utilities, or Director of Finance. Proof of ownership or a copy of a tenant’s rental or lease agreement must be presented at the time application is made.
Applicants must apply with the Customer Service Department in the City of Alexandria offices located at 625 Murray Street; applications are accepted in person only. Applicant may be required to provide proof of identification, preferably a photo ID. Acceptable primary forms of identification include valid state driver's license or ID card, military ID or passport. If no photo ID is available, two alternate forms of ID are required. Acceptable alternate ID forms include Social Security card with signature, birth certificate, college ID and voter registration card.
Before services are connected, the customer must make arrangements to pay any outstanding prior balances bills as well as the appropriate security deposit(s). Deadline for requesting a new connection is 4 p.m.