Public Tree Maintenance FAQ
Periodically, I need advice on how to properly maintain the trees in my yard. Can the City help?
Yes we can. The City's Urban Forester is available to citizens who have questions about their trees. You can call him at 441-6060 or E-mail him at
The tree in my front yard needs to be trimmed. Can the City do that for me?
No. It is illegal to use City funds to perform work on private property.
I want to remove some trees in my yard. Do I need a permit?
It depends on where the trees are located. If they are located entirely on your property you do not need a permit. However, if the trees are located in the right of way along the street you have to obtain permission from the City to remove the tree. You must have a legitimate reason to remove the tree. Trees along roads provide numerous benefits to the community and are therefore protected from arbitrary removal. Violation of this ordinance will result in a fine of $500.00 per tree.
Can I plant trees or shrubs in the median or right of way in front of my house?
You must file a request to plant in the median or right of way. Include in the request the location and type of materials you want to plant. Your request will be reviewed for safety and maintenance concerns. Remember that anything planted in the median without approval is subject to being removed by the City without notification.
There is a dead tree along the street in front of my house? Will the City remove it?
Yes, if it is in the right of way. Simply notify us of the location of the tree and we will have it removed.
The limbs in my neighborhood are hanging very low over the street and sidewalk. Will the City prune these trees?
It depends on where the trees are located. If they originate from private property the property owner is responsible for trimming them to provide adequate clearance over the road and sidewalk. However, if low hanging limbs are creating a potential threat to public safety, and the owner refuses to address the problem, the City can prune them.
Required Pruning Heights Illustration
Will the City will prune trees?
Yes, the City will prune trees located in their right of way along the street.
What is the Right of Way and how can I determine where it is located?
The right of way is publicly owned property along streets, alleys, and drainage ways throughout the City. The right of way width along streets varies depending on the width of the street. Most two lane residential streets in the City have a 50-foot wide right of way. Click here to see a diagram.
My neighbor has a dead tree in his yard that could fall on my house. Can the City make him remove it?
Not necessarily. Hazardous trees located on private property are the responsibility of the property owner, not the City. You should notify your neighbor in writing regarding your concerns about the tree. If they refuse to address the situation you may have to hire an attorney to file a suit to compel them to remove the tree. If the tree is located in close enough proximity to the street, sidewalk, or overhead electric lines that it constitutes a hazard to the public, the City may remove the tree.
I am going to have the trees in my yard trimmed by an arborist. Will the City pick up the limbs if I place them at the curbside?
No. Tree limbs, trunks, stumps, and other debris associated with tree maintenance must be removed from your property by the person who generated the debris. Violation of this ordinance will result in a $500.00 per day fine.
What is the difference between arborists and tree surgeons?
These are both terms used to describe a person engaged in the business of tree maintenance removal. These businesses are licensed by the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry They must carry a minimum amount of insurance and pass a test on arboricultural knowledge. Consulting arborists perform evaluations of trees but typically don't do the recommended work themselves.