Police Department Modifies Response Plans
Plans will protect personnel and keep units available for emergencies
Alexandria, La. (March 20, 2020) — In response to the COVID-19 virus the Alexandria Police Department has modified its response plans to a select number of calls for service that do not pose an immediate threat to any persons or those that do not require the immediate presence of police to mitigate the situation.
This modified response plan only applies to incidents involving property type crimes. The goal is to help protect first responders and citizens from possible further spread of the virus by eliminating face to face contact when possible as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals along with other organizations such as the International Association of Chiefs of Police recommended COVID-19 response plans.
If a citizen needs police services they still are to contact the Alexandria Police Department as they normally would. The communications center will evaluate the request for service in order to ascertain whether the call meets the stringent requirements to be addressed via telephone. If it does meet those requirements, the citizen will be contacted via telephone by an officer and the reporting process will be completed.
If a citizen believes what they are reporting is an emergency they should still call 911.
For information and updates on COVID-19, go to https://www.cityofalexandriala.com/covid-19-response or call 211. To reach the city administration with questions or concerns call 318-449-5000.
Cynthia D. Jardon