All City Buildings Closed to Public per Governor’s Orders
City services will continue but with limited public interaction to slow spread of COVID-19
Alexandria, La. (March 22, 2020) — Following Gov. John Bel Edward’s call for closure of non-essential businesses in an effort to dramatically slow the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, Alexandria Mayor Jeffrey W. Hall announced that all City of Alexandria buildings will be closed to the public until further notice. City workers will continue to report to work as scheduled and services will continue to be provided but public interaction will be held to a minimum.
“The Governor said ‘essential operations’ stay open. The City of Alexandria is an essential operation. The city government can’t shut down,” Hall said. Public access to most city facilities had already been eliminated or restricted, and in light of the Governor’s order issued today Hall said the shutdown would apply to all city-owned buildings. City employees will continue to work and are taking precautions to limit face-to-face interaction including working split shifts, conducting meetings online or via teleconference, telecommuting and practicing proper hygiene methods, including frequent handwashing. Cleaning efforts have also been significantly increased within all city areas for employee safety.
Hall urged residents to remain calm and follow the Governor’s order. “We must do what we can to slow down the rate of infection,” Hall said. “The more we can do in terms of what the Governor is asking, the more successful we can be locally.”
City officials continue to monitor the situation and remain in contact with the Governor’s Office, state agencies and public health officials. Citizens are encouraged to watch the City’s website at as well as the City of Alexandria Louisiana – Government page on Facebook for the latest updates and information regarding city services.
Jim Smilie