City Announces Plans for Phase 2 Reopening
Alexandria, La. (June 4, 2020) — Governor John Bel Edwards has announced the state will move to Phase 2 of the COVID-19 reopening process starting Friday. Businesses in Alexandria are encouraged to follow the state guidelines, which typically call for no more than 50 percent occupancy of business areas.
“With Phase 2 we are beginning a phased-in reopening of City facilities designed to ensure we maintain the health and safety of our employees as well as those who visit our City buildings,” said Alexandria Mayor Jeffrey W. Hall.
Starting Monday, June 8, the lobby of the Public Safety Complex will reopen to the public as will the lobby of City Hall. The lobby of the Customer Service Building at 625 Murray Street has already reopened with safety requirements in place, including temperature screening and limited numbers of people admitted at one time. Customers are asked to continue to use the drive-thru lanes, the dropbox, or pay by mail or online to make utility payments to limit traffic in the lobby.
Visitors to the Public Safety Building are asked to wear a face mask and follow social distancing spacing guidelines as marked. Access will be limited to four customers at a time, and only those individuals who need to enter to conduct business will be allowed in while others in their party wait outside. Fingerprinting services for the public remain suspended until further notice.
The Alexandria Zoo will reopen to the public on Wednesday, June 17. The city’s two golf courses, Links on the Bayou and Bringhurst Par-3 course, reopened as part of Phase 1 and remain open with safety guidelines in place. In addition, the city tennis courts and dog park will reopen Monday with social distancing recommendations in place.
Other public facilities, including community centers, the animal shelter, Convention Hall, the Youth and Teen Center and the gym at Frank O. Hunter Park remain closed at this time. Officials are working to reopen those facilities in early July, which is expected to be in Phase 3 of the reopening plan. While walking and bike trails at city parks are open, playground equipment, basketball courts and splash pads remain closed at this time.
“Right now we are opening what we can safely and continuing to plan toward additional openings in Phase 3,” Hall said. “Our residents have been extremely patient and respectful during this health emergency. We are seeing our city come back to life, and we are all so grateful.”
Jim Smilie
318.449.5038 (Office)
318.730.1683 (Cell)