City Launches Open Safely Business Campaign
Alexandria, La. (June 10, 2020) — As Alexandria and other cities across Louisiana enter Phase 2 of the reopening plan from COVID-19 businesses are working to adopt safety protocols necessary to ensure the health and safety of their employees as well as their customers. To help consumers identify local businesses that are following the latest Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and state public health guidelines, the City of Alexandria has created the Open Safely campaign. Local businesses that have made a commitment to following the health and safety guidelines from the state and federal officials, especially those listed on the state’s website, may get an Open Safely window decal to identify their business to consumers. “We appreciate everything our local business owners are doing to adapt to the challenges of COVID-19 and taking the steps necessary to ensure the health and safety of workers as well as the public,” said Alexandria Mayor Jeffrey W. Hall. “The Open Safely campaign is designed to make it easier for consumers to identify businesses that have committed to following those health and safety guidelines so they can shop with confidence when they enter the business.” City of Alexandria employees are distributing the stickers free of charge as well as a card explaining the program and the safety guidelines to local businesses. If your business has made a commitment to following the CDC and state public safety guidelines and would like to get an Open Safely decal for your business, contact Richard Johnson or Robert Weeks with the City of Alexandria Economic Development team at 318-449-5003.