Johnny Downs Baseball/Softball Practice Fields Open, Main Fields Remain Closed
Alexandria, La. (September 17, 2020) — The four baseball/softball practice fields at the Johnny Downs Sports Complex are now available for teams to practice on a first-come, first-served basis, however the eight main fields remain closed due to damage sustained from a tornado last December.
“This is just for the four practice areas at the far end of the complex on the 28 West side,” explained Superintendent of Parks and Recreation Cam Hallman. “The eight main fields remain closed. And we ask that teams using the practice fields limit their use to no more than 90 minutes at a time, especially if another team is waiting, to let as many teams use the fields as possible.”
Hallman noted that when construction begins to repair the fields the practice fields will be used as staging areas. “We understand that due to damage from the tornado last year as well as Hurricane Laura there are not as many practice fields available as normal and so we are making these practice fields available while we can. But when construction begins we will have to limit access,” he said. “The primary goal is to get the eight main fields repaired and ready for next season, and we will need to be flexible to accommodate the construction efforts as they move forward.”
The Johnny Downs Sports Complex, which includes two four-field clusters for baseball and softball games as well as a 16-field soccer complex, was heavily damaged by an EF2 tornado in December of 2019. The facility is insured and the city has also budgeted funds to repair the facility. Design work is nearing completion and construction is expected to begin later this year to repair the damage.
Jim Smilie
318.449.5038 (Office)
318.730.1683 (Cell)