City Mosquito Spraying Program Under Way
Alexandria, La. (September 22, 2020) — Workers with the City of Alexandria’s Streets Department are actively spraying for mosquito control. While the city traditionally sprays for mosquitos in the summer months, the current spraying effort is designed to combat the influx of mosquitos from Hurricane Laura and other heavy rains from tropical storms that have created areas of standing water.
Crews spray two different zones in the city each Monday and Wednesday, with the complete city covered every two weeks. The spraying program will target both mosquito larvae and adult mosquitos. Bodies of water around the city will be treated with larvicide between 3:30 and 5:30 p.m., which prevents hatching of mosquitos. Spraying for adult mosquitos will take place between 5:30 and 8:30 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays, weather permitting. In addition, crews will spray parks and school areas on Fridays. “Spraying the contact insecticide precisely at this time is when mosquitos are most exposed and treatment is highly effective,” explained Public Works Director Merriell F. Lawson, adding licensed Streets Department personnel perform these treatments.
“Mosquitoes pose a serious health risk, especially West Nile disease,” Lawson said. “The city is doing its part to help control the mosquito population. We need residents to do their part to help by eliminating points of standing water on their property and other known mosquito breeding grounds.”
Residents can help manage mosquitoes by using the following tips:
• Wear repellant – mosquito activity tends to increase around sunset and sunrise. If you cannot avoid going outside at these times, you can wear long-sleeve shirts, pants, and closed-toe shoes and use repellent on exposed skin. Read the product label carefully.
• Drain standing water – mosquito larvae can live in less than an ounce of water. Empty containers with standing water at least once a week.
• Manage vegetation – trim grass on your lawn as well as around any ditches as vegetation tends to harbor mosquitoes.
Attachments: photo of equipment, spray zones map
Photo Caption: This is one of two trucks City of Alexandria workers are using to do spraying to target adult mosquitos. Spraying will be conducted two nights per week between 5:30 and 8:30 p.m. with all parts of the city covered every two weeks.
Map caption: This map shows the eight spraying zones for the City of Alexandria. Workers cover two zones each night they spray, going in order starting with Zone 1. Workers spray four zones per week, covering the entire city every two weeks, weather permitting.
Jim Smilie