Alexandria Residents May Get Free Mulch from Hurricane Laura Oct. 24
Alexandria, La. (October 15, 2020) — The City of Alexandria collected more than 230,000 cubic yards of tree debris from Hurricane Laura. That tree waste was ground into mulch, and now Alexandria residents have the opportunity to get free mulch from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 24, at the site where the waste was processed at 313 North Third Street. The location is near the City Animal Shelter and the Farmer’s Market site.
“We will have loose mulch available for Alexandria residents. We will have a front-end loader to scoop it into trucks or onto trailers or residents may bring bags and shovels and help themselves. There is no limit, while the supply lasts,” said Alexandria Urban Forester Darren Green. “The majority of the mulch we have remaining is from debris collected at the Alexandria Zoo. There is a lot of pine and hardwoods and very little leaf debris, so it’s pretty clean.”
Green said some of the earlier debris went to the DOTD for use around the state while some went to a recycling firm. “The important thing is none of it was buried or burned,” Green said. “It is all being reused.”
Promotional Flier for Free Mulch Giveaway
Jim Smilie
318.449.5038 (Office)
318.730.1683 (Cell)