Judge Grants City Request for Temporary Restraining Order
Mayor Renews Call to Create New Budget to Address City’s Needs
Alexandria, La. (May 5, 2021) —Judge Monique F. Rauls signed a temporary restraining order Wednesday morning, temporarily barring implementation of the amended 2021-2022 budget re-adopted by the Alexandria City Council Tuesday night.
“Unfortunately, the budget adopted by the City Council is not balanced and violates the City’s Home Rule Charter in several ways,” said Alexandria Mayor Jeffrey Hall. “For example, it creates an unsustainable payroll obligation and improperly interferes with the city’s negotiations with the police union. We are grateful the court agreed our concerns warranted immediate action.”
Attorneys representing the City of Alexandria and Alexandria Mayor Jeffrey W. Hall filed a petition for declaratory judgement, injunctive relief and temporary restraining order Wednesday morning in the 9th Judicial District Court. The temporary restraining order will be in place until a hearing is held regarding the city’s request for the issuance of a preliminary injunction. The hearing is currently scheduled for May 17.
“As mayor, my responsibility to the citizens is to ensure the City operates lawfully and in proper order. That is why we have taken this legal action. At the same time, we can address the pay needs of our police officers and city employees as well as drainage and all of the other important items in the budget without violating the charter,” Hall said.
“I’ve instructed our finance director to immediately develop a new, balanced budget with the officer pay plan in mind,” Hall said. “We all want to see our police officers receive well-deserved and significant pay raises, quickly. Importantly, I want those pay raises to be sustainable for years to come. My goal is to have those raises in place by July 1, and make them retroactive to May 1. The new budget will also include additional funding for demolition, drainage projects and raises for all employees. As the legal process plays out, it is our intention to work with the City Council to finalize a budget as soon as possible.”
City services will continue normal operations while the restraining order is in place, with utility services, trash collection, fire and police service, bus service and all city offices open and operating normally.
Jim Smilie
318.449.5038 (Work)
318.730.1683 (Cell)