City Releases Standby Crews, Looks to Offer Aid
Alexandria, La. (Aug. 30, 2021) — Alexandria has moved from storm preparation to supporting other municipalities who need assistance following Hurricane Ida. As of noon the city released line contractors and tree trimmers and provided a trailer of ice to cities associated with the Louisiana Energy and Power Authority.
“We remember those who came to our aid following Hurricane Laura, and today we are blessed to be able to offer help to others,” said Alexandria Mayor Jeffrey W. Hall. “We are ready to help as needed and our hearts and prayers go out to all of those who are affected.”
The city resumed normal operations Monday morning with all city buildings open as usual and trash collection and bus service operating as scheduled.
“Our city employees worked last week and all weekend to ensure the City of Alexandria was ready, and I encourage residents to join me in thanking them for their hard work,” Hall said. “From clearing drains and ditches to distributing sandbags and staging emergency supplies, they did a wonderful job. Our hope is we won’t see another hurricane threat this season. But know that our employees are ready to respond to any emergency as needed.”
Jim Smilie
318.449.5038 (Office)
318.730.1683 (Cell)