Tips Offered on What to Do with Leftover Sandbags
Alexandria, La. (Aug. 31, 2021) — With several thousand sandbags distributed in Alexandria in preparation for Hurricane Ida, many citizens may be wondering what to do with the sandbags now that the storm has passed.
Hurricane season runs through November, with Hurricane Ida being the first serious threat to Alexandria the season. For this reason, the City encourages citizens with sandbags on hand to keep them for other potential storms this hurricane season. For best results, sandbags should be stored in a dry place out of the sun. Remember, keeping these sandbags for reuse saves resources, time and money.
Those who do not wish to store the bags may use the sand for other personal purposes or return them to the City Compound located at 2021 Industrial Park Road. Under no circumstances should the bags be placed with household trash or curbside debris.
Jim Smilie
318.449.5038 (Office)
318.730.1683 (Cell)