Alexandria, LA – The city of Alexandria has achieved two significant milestones by placing first in the 2024 Cleanest City Contest for District VIII, Category I, and 2024 Cleanest City Contest State Winner, Category I. The awards mark the second consecutive year that Alexandria has won top honors on both the district and state levels. The victories showcase Alexandria’s dedication to maintaining cleanliness and enhancing the quality of life for its residents.
The Louisiana Garden Club Federation (LGCF) Cleanest City Contest, initiated in 1958, stands as a pioneering initiative in raising awareness about litter problems in Louisiana. As the sole state to organize such a contest, Louisiana continues to lead the way in addressing environmental concerns. The contest involves volunteer judges visiting participating cities to evaluate cleanliness, with winners progressing to compete at the state level.
While celebrating Alexandria’s success, it’s essential to recognize the collective efforts of the citizens, civic organizations, and city personnel needed to combat litter issues citywide.
Community engagement, through initiatives like “CleanAlex” days, has shown promising results. The LGCF emphasizes the significance of education, advocating for school projects, environmental programs, and recycling initiatives to instill a culture of cleanliness and sustainability.
Contact: Michael Caffery
Deputy Chief Administrative Officer