APD Chief Jerrod King to Return to Active Duty January 30.
Alexandria, La. (Jan. 28, 2020) — Alexandria Police Chief Jerrod King will return to full, active duty on January 30.
“I am pleased to have this matter resolved, and I am looking forward to having Chief King back on the job serving the citizens of Alexandria,” said Alexandria Mayor Jeffrey W. Hall.
King was placed on paid administrative leave Jan. 3.
“Ideally, our personnel matters are handled internally, without public comment.” Hall said. “I understand Chief King is a very visable public figure, but he still deserves the same respect and privacy as any other city employee. In this case, however, there has been so much coverage and speculation in the media, the Chief and I agreed it was in the city’s best interest to clarify this matter so there is no misinformation.”
Hall explained the City followed an investigation process required by state law and acknowledged Chief King was represented by legal counsel throughout the process, which, Hall stated, is not out of the ordinary. The investigation determined a violation of the city’s social media policy occurred and warranted a brief suspension.
“The Chief and I had a great conversation earlier this week and as far as I’m concerned, this matter is behind us.” Hall stated the city will not provide any further comment on this matter.
“I understand my violation, and I apologize for the disruption it caused in our community and police department,” Chief King said. “Every APD officer is expected to know and follow all of the city’s rules and protocols. As Police Chief, I believe I should set the standard and be an example for our officers.”
“I tell our officers everyday, we’re not perfect. We will all make mistakes. Even leaders. But we learn from those mistakes and come back stronger from the experience. I appreciate the support I have received from my fellow APD officers and from the community. And I appreciate the support I have received from Mayor Hall and his confidence in my ability to learn and grow from this. I am looking forward to working with the Mayor, getting back to work and doing everything I can to ensure the safety of Alexandria and its citizens.” Chief King stated he will not comment any further on this matter.
Jim Smilie
318.449.5038 (work)
318.730.1683 (cell)