City Adjusts to Accommodate Revised Phase 2 COVID Guidelines
Alexandria, La. (November 30, 2020) — In response to Gov. John Bel Edward’s Proclamation 168 JBE 2020 moving Louisiana to a modified Phase 2 status to slow the spread of COVID-19, the City of Alexandria is making adjustments to comply with the revised guidelines.
“We certainly didn’t want to have to take a step back, but the health reports are making it very clear that the threat from COVID-19 remains strong and that we must take more aggressive action to slow the spread,” said Alexandria Mayor Jeffrey W. Hall. “We have learned a lot from the measures we have put in place previously, so we have a good idea of what works and what doesn’t. We know that wearing a face mask works. We know that social distancing works. We know that avoiding large groups of people works. So we will be taking the appropriate steps to comply with the Governor’s guidelines and to do what we can to ensure the health and safety of our employees and the public.”
Effective immediately, restroom facilities at public parks will be closed. Parks remain open and the public is asked to maintain proper social distancing at all times with no large groups or gatherings.
Access to the Utility Customer Service Building on Murray Street will be limited. Customers wishing to make utility payments in person should use the drive-thru lane or the dropbox. Customers needing to speak with a customer service representative are encouraged to do so by telephone at 318-441-6311. Access to the lobby will be limited to 10 people at a time to speak with a representative and those entering will be required to complete a health check and temperature screening. Customers needing to meet with employees in other divisions in the building, including Planning, Engineering, Human Resources, Civil Service and Community Development, should make appointments in advance.
City Hall will remain open and anyone entering the building will be required to complete a health screening and temperature check. Whenever possible, business should be conducted by phone or email. When in-person meetings are necessary, appointments should be scheduled in advance.
All community centers remain closed until further notice as well as Convention Hall and the Alexandria Zoo. The Animal Shelter continues to have limited access with adoptions being handled by appointment only.
Jim Smilie
318.449.5038 (Office)
318.730.1683 (Cell)