THE CITY OF ALEXANDRIA ANNOUNCES NEW UTILITY DIRECTOR The City of Alexandria Informs Citizens of the Nomination of a New Utility Director
March 29, 2024 (Alexandria, Louisiana)—
Yesterday, on March 28, 2024, the City of Alexandria (“Alexandria”) announced an exciting transition of the Alexandria Utility System (“AUS”). This month, AUS and Alexandria began a review process by the Commission on Utility Reform and Equity (“C.U.R.E.”), and yesterday Alexandria Mayor Jacques Roy announced AUS’s stewardship will pass to Marcus Connella over the next month. Connella will act as interim director and director nominee for the top job, as Michael Marcotte takes this opportunity in a new job to continue his professional growth in the industry’s private sector. Thank you to Michael Marcotte for years of loyal service and best wishes as he takes on new challenges and opportunities. Marcotte notably is working hard overseeing a professional and smooth transition of the AUS, an enterprise fund of Alexandria.
All in all, through these leaders Alexandria continues its course correction returning to best utility practice and ensuring its viability for future growth, opportunity, and partnering—all in an effort to make Alexandria resilient and return to its former independence.
Alexandria is thrilled to see the return of Connella. A homegrown professional engineer, Connella served as the pre-AUS Alexandria utility director. Connella left Alexandria, having moved on to experience life in the private sector and then concentrate on road infrastructure for the state of Louisiana, but is ready on day one. Harnessing Connella’s vast experience in both the traditional Alexandra utility and other utility and transportation infrastructure is a real coup for Alexandria with the departure of Marcotte and his long-time experience.
Alexandria and AUS will benefit from Connella’s diminished learning curve and experience, while handing off to him a mature AUS ready and positioned for its next era. A brief overview of Connella’s qualifications follows.
December 2022 – Present LA DOTD – Engineer 7 – Area Engineer for Avoyelles and Rapides Parishes Alexandria, Louisiana
September 2018 – December 2022 LA DOTD – Engineer 7 – Area Engineer for Grant, Winn and Natchitoches Parishes Alexandria, Louisiana
February 2009 – September 2018 LA DOTD – Engineer 6 – Construction Project Engineer Leesville, Louisiana
May 2008 – January 2009 Procter and Gamble – Process Engineer and Project Manager Pineville, Louisiana
March 2001 – May 2008 City of Alexandria, Louisiana – Assistant City Engineer, Water Superintendent, Acting Director of Utilities
Education 1986 -1990 Tioga High School - Tioga, LA
1990 -1995 Louisiana Tech University - Ruston, LA - Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
2018 - 2019 Louisiana Tech University - Ruston, LA - Masters of Science in Engineering and Technology Management - GPA: 4.0
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Contact (City of Alexandria): Michael Caffery—318.449.5000