City Announces Plans for Trick-or-Treating, Halloween Candy Stop Event
Alexandria, La. (October 19, 2020) — The City of Alexandria has established 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 31, as the official Trick-or-Treat times.
“With COVID-19 concerns, we understand that some people may choose not to participate in traditional trick-or-treat activities this year, and that is fine. But we believe those who want to participate should have the opportunity to do so as long as they follow Phase 3 guidelines as far as the number of people in groups, wearing protective face masks – not just decorative costume masks – and practicing social distancing,” said Alexandria Mayor Jeffrey W. Hall. “Residents who do not want children coming to their door should simply turn off their porch lights and those who are participating should do their best to maintain a safe distance from the children as they come by to receive their candy or treat.”
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) considers traditional door-to-door trick-or-treating a “high risk” activity. However, that risk drops to “medium” when social distancing efforts are established, including having a one-way flow of traffic and the ability to have individual packets of candy placed in such a way that children don’t touch pieces they don’t take for themselves. Suggestions include creating individual “grab bags” of candy or placing candy on platters or baking sheets rather than in bowls. Anyone who is feeling ill, is currently positive for COVID-19 or has been in contact with someone who is positive or is showing signs of COVID-19 infection should not participate nor should those at heightened risk of infection.
On Oct. 30, from 6-8 p.m., the City of Alexandria will host a Halloween Candy Stop for children 18 and younger. The drive-thru event will be held at the Alexander Fulton Mini Park on Murray Street across from City Hall. Children may remain safely in vehicles as they pass by to collect pre-packaged candy. Sponsors of the event include the Rapides Parish School Board, Central Louisiana Technical and Community College, Louisiana State University of Alexandria, Cenla Juvenile Officer’s Association, Cenla Area Agency on Aging, Arna Bontemps African American Museum, Hotel Bentley, Holiday Inn Convention Center, Aetna, Demar Dotson and Alexandria City Marshal Jerome Hopewell.
Due to damage to The Alexandria Zoo from Hurricanes Laura and Delta the annual Zoo Boo event will not be held this year.
Halloween Candy Stop Event Flier
Jim Smilie
318.449.5038 (Office)
318.730.1683 (Cell)