City Recovering from Winter Storm Viola
Alexandria, La. (February 17, 2021) — City of Alexandria workers responded to restore power and clear roads during Winter Storm Viola, the second winter storm to sweep through Alexandria this week. At the peak of the storm approximately 3,300 residents lost power, and as of 5 p.m., 600 remained without power.
“Our employees and contractors restored 80 percent of those without power in extremely challenging conditions,” said Alexandria Mayor Jeff Hall. “Our crews will work to continue restoration as long as it is safe tonight, but we expect some customers won’t have service restored until tomorrow.” Residents who do not have power restored by 7 p.m. should plan to be without power through the evening.
To help with power restoration, Utility Director Michael Marcotte asks residents without power who have electric heating systems to turn them off to avoid power surges when electricity is restored. “We are asking residents to leave a light on so you know when the power comes back on. When the light comes on, wait 10-15 minutes to ensure the power supply is stable, and then turn the heating unit back on. That will help prevent surges and make restoration go more smoothly.”
With icy roads continuing to make travel hazardous, all city offices will remain closed Thursday. The city hopes to be able to resume normal operations, including household trash collection and ATRANS bus service, on Friday.
The city water system continues to be strained as well due to the loss of power at the city’s water wells in Kisatchie Forest. “We have generators, so those wells are producing, but not at the same capacity as they do with full power,” Marcotte said. Water pressure levels were already low due to leaks from damaged pipes and people running water to prevent frozen pipes. As the result of today’s power outages, water pressure is expected to remain low until the system can catch up and stabilize.
Alexandria Police and Fire officials remind drivers to please stay off the roads. Roads remain covered with ice, and today’s rain is expected to freeze as temperatures dip into the 20s again tonight. Additionally, there are tree branches down or hanging low over roadways from the weight of ice.
Customers are reminded that when storms occur resulting in power outages they may report the outage online through the AlexConnects app. Downed wires, poles, and other equipment should be reported to (318) 473-1301. Residents are reminded to avoid downed lines as they may still be energized.
Jim Smilie
318.449.5038 (Office)
318.730.1683 (Cell)