City Sponsoring Citywide Cleanup Day April 23
Alexandria, La. (April 12, 2022) — As part of the ongoing effort to clean and beautify Alexandria, and in conjunction with Keep Louisiana Beautiful Love the Boot Week, the City of Alexandria is sponsoring a Citywide Cleanup Day on Saturday, April 23.
“We are encouraging everyone to join with us to help clean up litter throughout Alexandria,” said Alexandria Mayor Jeff Hall. “This is our home, and I know we all take pride in making Alexandria as attractive as possible for our residents and for those who come to Alexandria to work and visit.”
Activities will start at 9 a.m. at Bringhurst Field where City workers will distribute garbage bags for groups and individuals taking part in the cleanup. Snacks will also be available and groups can learn more about the City’s Adopt-A-Street program and get tips on keeping their neighborhoods clean.
In order to adequately plan for the number of garbage bags to bring and to assist in scheduling sanitation crews to collect the trash gathered during the clean-up, participating groups and individuals are asked to register online
“We are encouraging neighborhood groups, Boy and Girl Scout troops, civic clubs, church groups and individual families to sign up and join us in this community-wide event,” said Interim Public Works Director Sandra Washington. “Groups can clean up their own neighborhoods or choose a location provided by the City. Sanitation Department workers, Streets Department employees and other City workers will be helping as well and will collect what the residents gather.”
In addition to the Love the Boot cleanup day, the City offers an ongoing Adopt-A-Street program for groups, organizations and individuals to maintain ½-mile sections of roadway throughout the year. To recognize participants, the City provides road signs designating the street as adopted by the organization or the individual. In addition, the City provides each organization or individual with up to 10 cleanup kits which include yellow safety vests, grabber hand tools, trash bags, gloves, hand sanitizer, and a reusable tote bag for the supplies.
For more information on the City’s Adopt-A-Street program, visit the city website at to download the Program Guide and get application forms. Additional information is available by email to or by calling 318-441-6032.
Sponsored by Keep Louisiana Beautiful, Love the Boot Week is dedicated to cleanup and beautification events across the state April 18-24. Keep Louisiana Beautiful is the state’s leading anti-litter and beautification organization focused on bringing people together to build and sustain vibrant, clean communities. You can learn more about Love The Boot week at