City Supports Good Food Project’s Virtual Holiday Camp
Alexandria, La. (Dec. 22, 2020) — The Food Bank of Central Louisiana’s Good Food Project has released three videos available on the City of Alexandria website for local youth to enjoy as part of a Virtual Holiday Camp.
The videos, which include a tour of the Good Food Project Community Garden, a video on fruit nutrition, and a video on sustainable farming and gardening, were made possible in part thanks to a grant the City of Alexandria received from the U.S. Conference of Mayors as one of the winners of the 2020 Childhood Obesity Prevention Awards.
“The Food Bank of Central Louisiana’s Good Food Project is an outstanding program and I am pleased that we are able to provide support to help educate our local young people about the importance of good nutrition and how to create and maintain sustainable gardens,” said Alexandria Mayor Jeffrey W. Hall. “I believe it is critical that we teach our children early on the importance of making good food choices. While these educational videos are aimed at elementary school children, I encourage everyone to take a look at these videos because the lessons they teach apply to all of us.”
The videos can be found on the City of Alexandria website at
Alexandria is one of six U.S cities recognized by the U.S. Conference of Mayors for initiating exceptional programs to encourage healthy weight through balanced diet choices and regular physical activity. Other winners include Albuqueque, N.M., Baton Rouge, Augusta, Ga., Fall River, Mass. and Oakland Park, Fla.
The Good Food Project, a partnership between the city of Alexandria, the Food Bank of Central Louisiana and Inglewood Farm of Alexandria, provides approximately 50-75 young people the opportunity to attend day-long camp sessions focused on sustainable gardening, physical activity, good nutrition and access to nutritious food. In light of current COVID prevention efforts, rather than in-person holiday camps organizers created the video-based virtual program.
Jim Smilie
318.449.5038 (work)
318.730.1683 (cell)