Conservation Efforts Needed to Complete Water System Recovery
Alexandria, La. (February 21, 2021) — Continuing water conservation efforts are needed to complete the recovery of the city’s water system.
“Thanks to the help of our residents, we are slowly seeing improvement in our efforts to refill our water storage tanks,” said Alexandria Mayor Jeff Hall. “Residents can see the improved water pressure when they turn on their faucets. But it is important that everyone understands that while things are better, we are not at full strength. Our elevated tanks are slowly refilling, but they are not back where they need to be yet and overall water pressure is still below our normal level. We still need residents to conserve water where they can. Keep showers short. Just wash the clothes you need for tomorrow. Use paper plates and cups to reduce dishwasher use. Hold off on washing your car. The less water we use, the faster we can restore full pressure and end the current boil advisory.”
Utility Director Michael Marcotte said the system remains fragile. “We are gradually getting water back in the elevated storage tanks and we hope to make more progress overnight,” he said. “Unlike electricity, which comes back at full strength when a line is repaired, water has to build up in the system, and that takes time. Everything people can do to minimize their water use helps speed up that process.”
Marcotte added business and property owners should continue to inspect pipes for leaks. “It’s possible there are businesses that were closed last week and over the weekend that will be re-opening for the first time on Monday,” Marcotte said. “We need these businesses to thoroughly inspect their water systems for leaks and shut off water to any broken pipes. If they need assistance with water cutoff they can call us at 318-473-1264 and we will come turn it off.”
The city-wide boil advisory issued Wednesday remains in effect. Residents are advised not to drink the water until they boil it, which includes bringing the water to a rolling boil for at least one minute.
“It will be up to the Department of Health as to how long the boil advisory remains in place,” Marcotte said. “Once system pressure stabilizes we will start testing water quality. Those tests can take 24-48 hours if not longer. The boil advisory will remain in place until testing shows the water is safe for residents to drink.”
Jim Smilie
318.449.5038 (Office)
318.730.1683 (Cell)