Crews Working to Restore Power Outages
Alexandria, La. (July 30, 2019) — Alexandria Utility Systems are currently restoring a substation power outage caused by lightning and some citizens are gettting power back. However, while we have made some repairs to restore power, we are still assessing damage. Many areas of the city are still without power.
Some low-lying areas are experiencing flash flooding. Please avoid driving through flooded streets. Residents are urged to stay off the roads if possible.
The following areas and roads are closed:
• Maclee
• Lee street
• Lancaster
• Martin Park
Alexandria Utility Systems crews are working as quickly and as safely as possible to restore power, according to AUS Director Michael Marcotte.
As more information becomes available we will keep citizens informed.
To report power outages or other concerns please use AlexConnects app or call 473-1301.
Cynthia Jardon