Johnny Downs Baseball/Softball Practice Fields to Close for Construction Efforts
Alexandria, La. (May 7, 2021) — With repair work increasing at the Johnny Downs Sports Complex, the baseball and softball practice fields will no longer be available to teams effective Monday, May 10, until further notice.
Parks and Recreation Superintendent Cam Hallman said the area around the practice fields is needed to store supplies and equipment necessary to finish the repair work on the eight baseball and softball fields. “We need to be able to stage supplies and equipment so everything is in place as needed to stay on schedule to be able to host the Dixie Softball World Series at the end of July,” Hallman explained. “The entire ballpark area is an active construction zone. It’s important for everyone’s safety that we don’t have people in the area. We have barricades in place, and we are asking people not to move or go around the barricades and avoid the baseball/softball side of the complex completely until the construction work is completed.”
The Johnny Downs Sports Complex was heavily damaged by a tornado in December of 2019. Repairs to the soccer fields were completed first and those fields re-opened last Fall. Repairs to the baseball/softball practice fields were completed earlier this year. Workers are now completing repairs and renovation of the eight main baseball and softball fields, with that phase of the project scheduled to be completed in July. The next scheduled phase of repair work includes repairs to parking areas and the non-playing surface areas of the complex. Those repairs are expected to be completed in November.
Jim Smilie