Local Citizens Provide Funds to Hold July 4th Fireworks Show
Alexandria, La. (July 1, 2021) — Alexandria, La. (July 1, 2021) — A community fireworks celebration for Independence Day will be held at 9 p.m. Sunday, July 4, in downtown Alexandria with fireworks over the Red River.
Following the City Council’s decision Tuesday night to vote against a city-sponsored July 4th fireworks show, councilmen Lee Rubin, Chuck Fowler and Jim Villard as well as Mayor Jeff Hall spearheaded a drive to raise funds to sponsor the event. Rubin, Fowler and Villard voted for the fireworks show.
“We all thought it was important to the quality of life in Alexandria to have a celebration for the city. Each of us agreed to personally make a donation, and we felt others would be supportive as well,” Rubin said.
“Lee and I talked for maybe three minutes and I said ‘I’ll make some calls and you make some calls and we’ll see where it goes,’” Fowler said. “Within three hours we had enough commitments to cover the cost,” Rubin said.
“I salute Councilman Rubin, Councilman Fowler and Councilman Villard for putting the needs of our community first and stepping up to make this happen,” Hall said. “And I am especially grateful to all of those individuals and local businesses who generously made a donation for our community. This is just another demonstration of what great things can happen when a community works together. We couldn’t celebrate in 2020, but July 4, 2021, is going to be an extra-special celebration for the City of Alexandria.”
In addition to a 20-minute fireworks show, food truck vendors are expected on site.
Sponsors who made donations in support of the event include: Red River Bank, Firehouse Pyrotechnics, Harry Silver, the Central Louisiana Regional Chamber of Commerce, Rapides Regional Medical Center, Petron, Walker Automotive, Leebo’s Shop A Lot, A Friend of Alexandria, Councilman Chuck Fowler, Councilman Lee Rubin, Councilman Jim Villard, Mayor Jeff Hall, Evangeline Bank, Holiday Inn, Hotel Bentley, Sam Mahfouz, Rod Noles, Richard Rozanski, Daryl Terry, Greg Trotter, Trey Gist and Patrick Sadler.
Jim Smilie
318.449.5038 (Work)
318.730.1683 (Cell)