Mayor Announces Gun Buyback Program
Alexandria, La. (Feb. 6, 2020) — Alexandria Mayor Jeffrey W. Hall announced the City of Alexandria, along with the Alexandria Police Department and SafeAlex, will hold a gun buyback program from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 15, at the old Fire Station No. 2, located at 1105 Broadway Ave.
“We want to increase our efforts to address the rash of gun-related incidents we have seen recently in Alexandria,” Hall said. “Church and civic groups have conducted these buyback programs in the past, and they do make a difference.”
Individuals turning in functioning guns will receive $50 for a handgun and $100 for rifles and shotguns, all no questions asked. “This isn’t about making arrests,” Hall emphasized. “We won’t be taking down license plate numbers or checking IDs, we will just take the weapon and give the donor their cash. We want to reduce the number of weapons that are out on the street in the hope that it will cut down on the number of gun-related incidents. If the gun isn’t lying around, then someone can’t pick it up in anger or a child won’t find it and cause an accidental shooting. We’re trying to do what we can to prevent a tragedy from happening.”
Guns brought to the buyback should be unloaded and placed in the trunk of the vehicle. During the buyback, participants simply pull into the driveway at the fire station. Law enforcement officials will remove the weapon from the trunk, verify it is in working condition, and then pay for the weapon. The driver never needs to get out of the car, they can just drive through and drop it off.
In addition to the Alexandria Police Department, other local law enforcement agencies including the Rapides Parish District Attorney’s Office, Rapides Parish Sheriff’s Department and the Alexandria City Marshal’s Office have indicated their support for the buyback effort.
Attached is a flier promoting the gun buyback, which will be held on Saturday, Feb. 15.
Jim Smilie
318.449.5038 (work)
318.730.1683 (cell)