Power Restored, Pumps Fully Operational
Bolton Community Center Open as an Emergency Shelter
Alexandria, La. (July 30, 2019) — The City of Alexandria is experiencing flooding in several areas. Workers are erecting barricades where possible. The pumps are fully operational yet some homes have taken on water due to flash flooding.
Please avoid the following flooded areas:
• Culpepper at Masonic
• Prescott Road
• Jackson Street Extension
• MacLee
• Milmar’
• Lee street
• Lancaster
• Martin Park
• Fulton Drive
• Bluebird
• Willowick
• Phillips
• Windemere
• Michiels
• Wendover
• Newlsno
• Spencer
• Kimberly
• Shannon
• Clover
• Versailles
• Provine
• Wimbledon
• Curtis Drive
• Jackson St. Extension
• Elliott Street off of Monroe
Stay safe, follow these tips:
• If your house is affected by the flood, turn off the main electrical switches.
• Watch TV or listen to weather information via your mobile phone or radio to stay updated with local information.
• Do not walk through moving water. Don’t drive through flooded streets, it takes just two feet of water to carry most vehicles away.
• If you are trapped and are in an emergency situation call 911.
People are removed from cars or those evacuating their homes may go to the Home Deport parking lot or Common Point parking lot and city transportation will be provided to the evacuation center as soon as possible.
The Bolton Community Center has been activated as an emergency shelter.
Alexandria first responders have reported people rescued from trapped vehicles so the Alexandria Police Department asks drivers to avoid driving through flooded streets. Residents are urged to stay off the roads if possible.
Alexandria Utility Systems have restored some power and all pumps are manned and operating at full capacity.
Alexandria Utility Systems crews are working as quickly and as safely as possible to restore power, according to AUS Director Michael Marcotte.
As more information becomes available we will keep citizens informed.
To report power outages or other concerns please use AlexConnects app or call 473-1301.
Cynthia Jardon