Project RESTOR Grant Applications Update
Alexandria, La. (March 20, 2023) — The City of Alexandria (“City”) announced the next steps for Project RESTOR on January 24, 2023. Beginning the week of January 23, 2023, charges billed to customers returned to normal rules for payment and delinquency. RESTOR balances continued to carry forward not accruing penalties or delinquencies subject to the RESTOR assistance and payment plans for qualified customers. Charges billed on or after January 23, 2023 are subject to the normal rules, for payment, penalties, delinquencies, and eventual disconnection for non-payment. Customers are reminded of the importance of paying their post-RESTOR charges on time and in full to remain in good standing.
Project RESTOR grant applications opened March 6, 2023 and closed March 10, 2023; 2398 applications were received online and in-person. Applications are still in the review and processing stages. Applicants will be notified of a final decision via email or US Mail within the next seven (7) business days.