Residential Contractors Seminar Offered at CLTCC
Alexandria, La. (June 17, 2019) — The Louisiana Contractors Accreditation Institute, a partnership between Louisiana Economic Development, Louisiana Community & Technical College System and the Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors, will present a 10-week Residential Contractors Seminar beginning June 24.
“There are opportunities in our City to be trained for new careers, and this is one of those,” said Mayor Jeffrey Hall. “I encourage people of all ages to look into programs to launch a small business and to learn new skills.”
The course, offered via interactive distance learning at Louisiana Community and Technical College locations across Louisiana, will provide foundational technical knowledge that is essential to a residential contractor in order to take advantage of business opportunities within the residential construction industry.
“Now is the time to register since the program starts the last week in June,” Hall said. Registration is open and seats are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. For additional information or to register for the Residential Contractors Seminar go to
Cynthia D. Jardon