Winter Weather - January 14, 2024
City of Alexandria and Alexandria Utility System Crews Prepare for
Freezing Temperatures and Potential Frozen Precipitation Tonight and Monday
Alexandria, La. (January 14, 2024) —City of Alexandria and Alexandria Utility System crews from all departments have completed initial preparations for the Winter Weather Event forecast to begin overnight tonight into the day on Monday. Based on current forecasts, the greatest risks appear to be extreme cold for about 48 hours beginning overnight Sunday as well as some frozen precipitation off and on for the next 24 hours. As a result, unprotected water pipes are subject to freezing and bursting overnight Monday and Tuesday nights. Residents are encouraged to prepare now with these simple steps:
- Check sprinkler or irrigation systems now. Make sure they are turned off or drained. Don’t forget to insulate or drain the backflow preventer near the water meter.
- Know how to properly shut off your home’s water supply.
- Protect your pipes by wrapping them with insulating products.
- Identify your home’s freezing points. Eliminate sources of cold air near water pipes and seal drafts around windows or doors.
- Consider shutting off water supplies to abandoned or unoccupied structures ahead of the freezing weather.
- Do I need to drip my indoor faucets? There is no need to drip indoor faucets right now. If your power goes out AND it is below 28 degrees outside for 4 hours or more, a slow drip might be okay. How much do I need to drip? Drip 5 drops a minute, which means there is no need to run water constantly.
Additional Safety Precautions:
- Avoid unnecessary travel if frozen precipitation occurs. Motorists are reminded to exercise extra caution due to the potential for ice accumulations on elevated roadways and bridges.
- To avoid the risk of fire, ensure all portable heaters, heated blankets, and other such appliances are properly connected directly to a wall outlet and not a power strip or extension cord.
- Never use an outdoor grill or other heating product indoors!
City offices will be closed Monday in observance of the Martin Luther King Day. Unless weather conditions deteriorate further than currently forecast, City offices will be open for regular business Tuesday morning. However, utility disconnects for past due accounts will be suspended until Thursday morning.
If you experience a water leak during this Winter Weather Event and need assistance shutting off your home’s water supply, please call the AUS Water Department at 318-473-1264. Electrical outages can be reported to 318-473-1301. Medical, fire, or public safety emergencies should still be reported to 911.