Private Tree Maintenance
Hazardous Trees:
A "hazard tree" is a tree with structural defects likely to cause failure of all or part of the tree. Do you have trees on your property that are potentially hazardous? Want to find out more? Two excellent resources USFS Publication "How to Recognize Hazardous Defects in Trees" and "Homeowners Guide to Safer Trees" by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System are available for your use.
How to Recognize Hazardous Defects in Trees
Homeowners Guide to Safer Trees
Tree Pruning:
Proper tree pruning is a critical component of a comprehensive tree maintenance program. Do you know when to prune? What to cut and what not to cut? What about pruning paints?
Tree Planting:
Are you interested in planting a tree on your property? Do you know the right way to plant it?
Tree Mulching:
Did you know applying mulch is one of the cheapest and most beneficial things that you can do to ensure the long term health of your trees? Find out more by reading "Mulch: Your Trees Best Friend". Remember though that not all mulches are the same. Read an interesting article on the pitfalls of using mulch made from Cypress.
Storm Damaged Trees:
Have your trees been damaged recently by a storm? Want to know how to evaluate your trees and learn how to restore their health? Two excellent resources "Standing Tall: Storm Damage and Your Tree" and "Tree City USA Bulletin: When a Storm Strikes" are available for your use.
Standing Tall: Storm Damage & Your Tree
Tree City USA Bulletin: When a Storm Strikes
Hiring an Arborist:
Is the work that your trees require a little over your head? Then you need to hire an arborist.
Don't have a clue about what an arborist is or how to hire one? Here is a great publication by the LSU Ag Center that will help.
Tree Service Companies who are registered with our Department
General Tree Care:
Interested in learning more about tree maintenance? Click here to visit a site developed by the International Society of Arboriculture that has a wealth of information on tree care.